





平闸阀是一种滑阀,其关闭部分为平行闸板。关闭部分可以是一个单闸阀瓣,也可以是一个双闸阀瓣,它们之间有一个支撑机构。楔板对阀座的压力是由作用在浮楔或浮阀座上的介质压力控制的。如果是双楔平板闸阀,两个楔之间的支撑机构可以补充这种压力。平板闸阀的特点:1。阀座采用o形圈密封和带预紧力浮阀座结构,使平闸阀的进、出口双向密封。启闭力矩仅为普通阀门的1/2;2.全开时,通道光滑笔直,流阻系数很小,无压力损失,清洗简单;3. The packing structure with self sealing ability is adopted, the sealing performance is more reliable than ordinary graphite packing. In addition, grease is injected into the sealing surface of the packing, the sealing surface meets the zero leakage standard; 4. When the flat gate valve is closed, it can automatically remove the high pressure in the inner cavity to ensure the safety of use; 5. Fully enclosed structure, good protection performance. Flat gate valve is divided into single gate plate and double gate plate. According to the connection mode, it can be divided into butt welded flat gate valve and flange flat gate valve. Features of butt welded flat gate valve: 1. Small fluid resistance and small scouring and erosion of sealing surface by medium; 2. Opening and closing is labor-saving; 3. The flow direction of the medium is unrestricted, no turbulence and no pressure reduction. 4. Simple shape, short structure length, good manufacturing technology and wide application range. Flange flat gate valve is stable and reliable when used in pipeline, Therefore, DERVOS recommends that flange flat gate valve could be used in high pressure pipeline. Features of flange type flat gate valve: 1. The sealing structure of flange flat gate valve is elastic with preload, and the upstream and downstream sealing seats are sealed at the same time. There is always face-to-face seal between the valve seat and the seal; 2. The valve seat has self-cleaning function and is not directly scoured by the air flow during the opening or closing of the valve. The valve seat is made of lubricated and non abrasive materials; 3. The problem of the valve actuator will not affect other parts of the valve, and the maintenance and replacement can be carried out without removing the valve; 4. When the flange flat gate valve is fully opened, the channel is smooth and straight, the flow resistance coefficient is very small, there is no pressure loss, and the pipeline can be cleaned by wool ball.

DERVOS 2021年年会
DERVOS 2021年年会

2022年是中国的虎年。它让人们期待他们能像老虎一样勇敢和强壮,并继续努力。DERVOS 2021年年会在春节假期后的第二个工作日,也就是2月14日情人节召开。上午,各部门负责人做了工作报告。在工作报告中,他们回顾了一年来的工作成果。同时,制定了部门新的一年的工作目标和工作计划。最后,总经理Eric对2022年的奋斗方向进行了总结和规划。关键词是务实和发展。务实,就是要稳扎稳打,减少试错成本,以切实可行的方案开展工作。同时,由繁向简,以结果为导向,最终目标是实现发展。晚上,年度工作总结落下帷幕,年度晚宴正式开始。这不仅是不同部门聚在一起的好机会,也是赢取大奖的好机会。 DERVOS people work hard and also love life. We are grateful to the support of our business partners over the past year. We will continue to improve and provide partners with the most professional support and meticulous service.


简而言之,管道系统中止回阀的作用是防止介质回流。止回阀也可分为硬密封止回阀和软密封止回阀——软密封止回阀密封性能优异,可达到零泄漏,但一般适用于常温低压管道,而硬密封止回阀可以。而且由于制造工艺的原因,硬密封止回阀总有一定的泄漏量。但硬密封的优点是它能适应高温高压环境。因此,你不能轻率地判断硬密封止回阀是好还是软密封止回阀。只要在管道上适当的工作条件下正确安装,两者都有各自的优点。那么如何在两者之间做出选择呢?1.软密封止回阀的旋管或阀座由非金属材料(主要是聚四氟乙烯、橡胶等)制成。它具有优异的密封性能,但受到指责的是,它在流经调节阀时,可能会在管道系统中留下或多或少的残渣(如焊渣、铁屑等),容易损伤阀座或阀芯。 Therefore, choosing soft seal check valve means extra notices on the purity of medium and cleanness of the pipeline before commissioning. 2. Hard seal Hard seal check valve would adopts welded wear-resistant alloy on its sealing surface which balances sealing performance and the service life and reliability. Although it dwarfs as a competitor with soft seal check valve when it comes to sealing performance, it is enough to meet the needs of most working conditions, and it enjoys durable and longer service life. Xiamen Dervos is an API-Certified ball valve manufacturing and trading company who specializes in the production of various kinds of valve. In addition to all kinds of common valves such as gate valves, globe valves, plug valves and butterfly valve , we also produce other unconventional valves as long as our customers file their requirements. We stand ready whenever you have any requests. Contact us today for the best valve purchasing experiences.





