时间过得多快!德沃斯迎来了又一个充满挑战但收获颇丰的一年,并准备迈入其在阀门市场的第13个年头。是时候庆祝它的生日了。和往常一样,我们抽出一天时间来参加德沃斯的大型活动。这一天,我们称之为快乐的一天,由很多活动组成。我们租了一个大房子,里面有各种各样的娱乐设施,比如卡拉ok,私人影院,AR游戏等等。更重要的是,它宽敞的厨房和用餐区也有利于我们的第一个活动——集体烹饪!被认为是棘手的部分——你知道,参与者是一群城市白领,他们吃着所有的送餐应用,你还期望从他们那里得到什么?——结果不仅仅是令人惊叹:热辣椒油鱼片、肉丸、蘑菇炖菜,还有Dervos创始人埃里克提供的令人印象深刻的海鲜锅。说到创始人,另一个肯带来了一个精致的蛋糕,形状成数字13,美丽可口。再加上精美的甜点,那天中午的餐点真的为快乐的一天设定了美好的开始。 Then we move to the recreational area. If you see someone screaming BACK OFF! STAY AWAY FROM ME! wielding gamepad, shooting monsters on screen, don’t worry, that’s just Jona playing AR games. She’s probably going to win the most dedicated player prize if there were any. One more game I’d like to note is ring toss. The ring needs to circle the bottle and win you the gift coupon beneath it. I know it’s kinda old-stuff, but when you attend another game to win extra chances for ring toss if you don’t gain anything at first round, it would be more fun. The gamer needs to spin 5 circles and flip a bottle cap about 2 meters away at once, with one eye covered all the time. It was crazy dizzy, difficult and fun, cause you could never hit it accurately after 5 circles as you thought the cap was there but it was actually not. In the evening, after a string of group games like Guess the song name and Charade, the climax of the day came as the projection screen started playing a surprising video for West, also the game host, whose journey with Dervos has rang the 10-year bell and hasn’t anticipated for this part. After the video, Eric and Ken, on behalf of the big family, awarded him a secret anniversary gift. Now, let’s call it a day, or it would be better to be ‘let call it 13 years’. If Dervos were a 13-year-old boy, it is when the boy explores the world curiously and energetically. It is like a rising sun from the skyline, we’ll see his sun ray, glory and feel his warmth. Dervosers are striving for this day.