

  • 圣诞节快到了
    圣诞节快到了 2012年12月23日
  • 弹簧安全阀简要安装要点
    弹簧安全阀简要安装要点 2012年12月5日
    下面是我们需要注意的一些弹簧安全阀或弹簧安全阀的主要简要安装要点。在安装弹簧安全阀之前,我们需要注意的第一件事就是一定要测试密封性能。如果安全阀泄漏或气垫损坏,需要立即进行相应的更换。然后,它可以得到最好的利用,我们所有人。第一个前提是,在安全阀安装过程中,对于安全阀的所有部件都需要注意垂直安装。安装角度要准确、正式。当然,工具也要做相应的辅助。从而使整个安装过程顺利、有效。第二,应注意,在安全阀安装过程中,不允许对安全阀出口施加压力。最好是让它直接排空,这样安全阀才能有效地工作。 Then, people can get it best effect, have better use experience and install the relief valve in place. Third, it should be noticed that the operator had better wear the corresponding gloves tools on their hands to avoid that oil pollute relief valve. The oil pollution can affect the sealing effect of relief valve. At same time, it also may lose the whole service life of the relief valve. Therefore, it is a good way to let the operator wear the gloves tools.
  • 2012年Nov.27th-30th伊顺
    2012年Nov.27th-30th伊顺 2012年11月15日
  • 闸阀常见故障及预防措施
    闸阀常见故障及预防措施 2012年11月5日
    闸阀是油(气)井口的主要部件,在使用中常见的几种故障如下。1.首先,检查阀门与闸阀连接螺栓是否紧固,若不紧固,其密封圈与法兰密封槽表面若连接不充分,往往会导致泄漏。按顺序检查螺栓和螺母,拧紧所有螺栓,直至压紧密封圈。第二、检查密封圈和法兰密封槽表面的尺寸和精度,如果密封接触面尺寸错误或过于粗糙,要进行修复或更新。还要检查密封圈与法兰密封槽的接触面是否存在一点侵蚀、砂孔、砂孔或杂质等缺陷,如有则应进行相应的焊接、修复或清理。2.阀盖泄漏,这种失效现象经常发生在填料密封的泄漏上。首先,检查密封件是否配件正确,是否适合密封槽,如果有这样的问题,更换密封圈或修复密封槽。第二、检查密封件是否有毛刺、断裂、扭断等现象,如有,更换密封件。 Then, check if the surface of sealing groove seal is rough or have other defects, if there is a defect, eliminate the defects or update the damaged parts. Bonnet or scaffolds by compression seal packing, should check the installation of the packing case, if find packing installed upside down, should remove, carry out in accordance with the correct way to install. Pay special attention to the surface of packing seal joint. Finally, check if the precision of the contact surface of seal fittings meet the requirements. 3. Leakage from valve body cavity In the process of casting, sometimes valve body may appear casting defects, such as sand holes, sand hole. Although it is difficult to find in the process of machining, once the pressure put on the valve body, hidden casting defects will be exposed. If there is this kind of situation, welding, repairing or updating it. 4. Leakage from valve seat and valve plate Leakage occurs in valve seat and plate, which is the most common phenomenon among the installation or maintenance of gate valves. Generally this can be divided into two kinds: one is leaking in seal surface; the other is leaking in seal root. Above all, check the seat and the precision of the sealing contact surface of valve plate. The sealing surface needs grinding, if there is rough surface, remove and grind it again. Second, check whether there are pitting, indentation, sand holes, cracks and other defects the sealing surface, if in this case, replace valve seat and valve plate. For the valve seat with compression spring, should check whether the pressure spring elasticity is conform to the requirements, if less resilient, update the compression spring. Besides, check if T-shape coupling place of valve plate and valve ste...
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