随着煤炭行业的快速发展,中国的煤层采矿技术已达到先进水平。气动硬密封球阀是煤矿液压系统的必要组件之一。当气动密封球阀不起作用时,Dervos列出了常见故障。故障排除应该从以下几个方面完成。1.线圈烧坏可以通过万用表去除气动硬密封球阀的布线。如果有开路,线圈可能会燃烧出来。2.滑动阀套筒卡住气动硬密封球阀滑动阀套的距离和阀芯间隙非常小。它们通常被组装成一个整体。当有机械杂质或油太少时,很容易堵塞。3.空气泄漏不足,漏气引起的压力不足会导致打开和关闭气动硬密封球阀的困难。 This is due to damage of the gasket or wear of the slide valve. Burnt coil, stuck slide sleeve and air leakage are the three common faults of pneumatic hard seal ball valve. Through the above introduction, if you encounter these three situations, you can quickly repair the pneumatic hard seal ball valve. Of course, the best way to prevent these problem is to solve them at the very beginning by find a reliable supplier and quality products. Xiamen Dervos is an API-Certified valve manufacturing and trading company that specializes in the production of various kinds of valve. In addition to all kinds of common valves such as gate valves, ball valves, globe valves, plug valves and butterfly valve, we also offer you the best actuators as long as our customers file their requirements. To learn more about our industry-leading products, contact us today.