





蝶阀可以用于热水吗?在前面的文章中,我们介绍你们认识,蝶阀适用于淡水、污水、海水、海水、蒸汽、天然气、食品、医药、石油和其他管道要求完全密封,零泄漏气体测试,高寿命和工作温度从-10度到150度。天气蝶阀能否用于热水管道,其实关键在于与热水直接接触的蝶阀阀体的阀座密封面材料。我们所说的热水一般是70℃以上的水。如果你在这些温度下使用硬密封蝶阀,将不会有任何问题。但是如果是带橡胶密封座的软密封蝶阀,可以用于热水吗?如果你在网上搜索答案,你会看到很多不推荐在热水中使用软密封蝶阀。其原因是软密封蝶阀的橡胶阀座在长期暴露于热水中会老化得更快。会损坏阀门的密封性能,从而缩短阀门的使用寿命。这不是问题,橡胶材料的理论温度范围是-20 ~ 150℃,但由于各厂家生产的橡胶质量水平,在现实情况下,这个温度范围在热水环境中会明显缩小,当然。 However, the soft seal butterfly valve is not completely inadequate for hot water piping. High temperature resistant rubber can be used, which is much more effective and lasts longer. And hard-sealed butterfly valves, ball valves, gate valves and globe valves can also be used instead. Dervos is a leading valve manufacturer and provider of engineered products for different industries in China. If you’re looking for professional feasible solutions, check out our vast range of high-quality valves which covers gate valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, as well as other control valves and more. For more information regarding our high-quality products, contact us today!


答案绝对是否定的!在结构上,如果空间有限,闸阀依靠介质压力将表面紧密密封,从而达到无泄漏的效果。在开启和关闭时,阀瓣和阀座密封面总是相互接触和摩擦,导致密封面磨损。当闸阀即将关闭时,管道前后的压差非常大,这也有助于更严重的密封面损坏。闸阀的结构比截止阀复杂。在形状上,闸阀比截止阀更高、更窄,假设它们是同一口径。另外,闸阀的阀杆有上升阀杆和不上升阀杆两种,而截止阀的阀杆没有上升阀杆。工作原理截止阀的启闭采用上升阀杆,即手轮转动时,手轮随阀杆上下运动。至于闸阀,手轮转动,阀杆上下移动,但手轮本身保持不变。它们的流量是不同的。 Gate valves have to be full opened or closed, while globe valves do not. Globe valves have a defined inlet and outlet direction, while gate valves do not. In addition, the gate valve has only two states: fully open or fully closed,and the long travel of the disc results in a longer switching time.The time a globe vale needs is muchshorter. Most importantly, thedisc of the globe valve can stop at a certain place inthe valve body to do flow regulation. The gate valve can only be used for cut-off and has nosuch function. Performance differences Globe valves can be used for both cut-off and flow regulation. The fluid resistance of globe valve is relatively high, and it takes more effort to open and close, but because the distance between the valve plate and the sealing surface is short, the opening and closing stroke is short. When gate valve is fully open, the medium flow resistance in the valve body channel is almost 0, so the gate valve opening and closingwon’t be very laborious. But the gate plate is far from the sealing surface, opening and closing time is longer. Xiamen Dervos is an API Certified check valve manufacturing and trading company that specializes in the production of various kinds of valve. In addition to all kinds of common valves such as gate valves, globe valves, plug valves and butterfly valve , we also produce otherunconventional valves as long as our customers file their requirements.To learn more about our industry-leading products, contact us today.

ما هي صمامات خط النقل
ما هي صمامات خط النقل

vأنقلlآخرلفيسوd ecokingvألفيس،أوتلفزيونdvلفترةقصيرة،نكونأساسيافيالانحلالالحراريالإيثيلين,وأدائهملهاتأثيرملحوظعلىتشغيلوسلامةالعملية。بادئذيبدء،hأيضايأتيلناصماماتخطالنقل(تلفاز)ميزات:تختلمفdnن3إلى54بوصة،لناصماماتخطالنقلالأنواعالشائعةفيالسوق。صماماتخطالنقلوفكالصماماتتعملفيخدمةمتطلبةللغايةوتتعاملمعدرجاتالحرارةالمرتفعة،وظروفالتلوث،ومتطلباتالإحكامالعالية،ومتطلباتالموثوقيةالعاليةوهيحاسمةمنوجهةنظرالسلامة。وبالتالي ، فإننا نهتم بتصميم المنتج واختياره。أولا،نحننركزعلىأداءمكافحةفحمالكوك،خاصةفيوضعالفتحوعمليةالتبديل؛نحنلاعبابارزافيالصناعةالصماماتلأكثرمنعقدمنالزمان。لوحدنا،فينفسالوقت،نحنالتعاونمعمجموعةمنمورديالصماماتالممتازةلتلبيةأنواعمختلفةمنالطلبات。إذاكانلديكأياحتياجاتأواهتماماتفيهذينالنوعينمنالصماماتالخاصة،فيُرجىالاتصالبناللحصولعلىمزيدمنالمعلوماتعنالمنتج





