我相信你们中接触过阀门的人对这些蝶阀的名字并不陌生。然而,Dervos发现还是有很多朋友分不清同心圆蝶阀和aWafer蝶阀的区别,有的甚至会认为它们是同一个阀门的不同名称。但它不是。本文将向您介绍同心蝶阀与aWafer蝶阀的区别。同心蝶阀是以阀门的结构形式而命名的。除了同心蝶阀外,还有单偏心蝶阀、双偏心蝶阀、三偏心蝶阀几种。它们根据蝶阀板在阀体内的中心位置而命名。在结构上,同心蝶阀的特点是阀杆轴线、蝶板中心与阀体中心在同一位置。同心蝶阀结构简单,一般为软座式。橡胶或聚四氟乙烯或其他弹性材料是最常见的;同心蝶阀具有非常好的密封性能,可以实现零泄漏。但受密封材料本身的限制,同心蝶阀只能应用于常温、低压环境。 Its not recommended to use them in high temperature and high pressure. Wafer butterfly valve is named according to the butterfly valve's connection method. In addition toWafer, there are also flange connections,clamp connection,socket-ed,welded and so on. Wafer butterfly valves can be soft-sealed ormetallic-sealed; they can be ofconcentric or eccentric.A concentric butterfly valves may be either clamped or flanged. Aconcentric butterfly valve may be aWafer connection, and aWafer butterfly valve may also be ofconcentric construction. Therefore, the concentric and Wafer are two different butterfly valve classifications, the two are actually not comparable. Choose the correct butterfly valve according to the different working conditions, and that’s all. Dervos is a leading valve manufacturer and provider of engineered products for different industries in China. If you’re looking for professional feasible solutions, check out our vast range of high-quality valves which covers gate valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, as well as other control valves and more. For more information regarding our high-quality products, contact us today!