

  • 德沃斯的中秋庆典
    德沃斯的中秋庆典 2019年9月20日
  • 如何选择正确类型的旋塞阀?
    如何选择正确类型的旋塞阀? 2019年10月9日
  • 对阀门进行维护以延长其使用寿命
    对阀门进行维护以延长其使用寿命 2019年9月23日
    如何维护阀门,使其更好的为我们服务?1.阀门应储存在干燥通风的房间内,并在通道两端封堵。2.安装和使用中的阀门应定期检查,以确保其正常运行。3.检查阀门密封面是否磨损,根据情况修复或更换。4.检查阀门阀杆和阀杆螺母。如果包装过时,应进行更换。 5. The sealing performance of the valve shall be tested to ensure its performance. 6. The valve in operation should be in good condition, flange and bracket bolts are complete, threads are not damaged, no loosening phenomenon. 7. If the valve is used in a poor environment, vulnerable to rain, snow, dust, sand and other contaminants, it should be installed for the valve stem protective cover.
  • 热烈欢迎来自伊朗的朋友
    热烈欢迎来自伊朗的朋友 9月16日
    目前,我们的产品分布在全球五大洲,其中42%在欧洲,23%在亚洲,20%在美洲。不断开拓市场是我们的目标。上周,我们的一位客户在下单前来拜访我们。这真是合作前的一个良好开端。上午我们去了温州办事处,简单介绍了我们公司。之后,我们参观了我们经常合作的铸造工厂,向客户展示了整个控制铸造的过程。在铸造厂,我们有完善的设备进行化学成分分析,拉伸试验,冲击试验,RT, PT等。这是为了使所有的铸件质量好,所有的原材料都是可追溯的。下午,我们参观了工厂。向客户展示我们生产的产品以及我们拥有的设备和工人。 Clients are happy about this trip; hope it is the very good beginning between you and me.
  • 球阀的分类
    球阀的分类 2019年9月9日
    浮动球阀球阀的球体是浮动的,在介质压力的作用下,球体能产生一定的位移并压在出口端的密封面上,保证出口密封。浮球阀结构简单,密封性好,但工作介质下球的负荷传递到出口密封圈,因此需要考虑密封圈材料是否能承受球体介质的工作负荷,受到较高压力影响时球体可能会偏移。这种结构常用于中低压球阀。耳轴球阀球阀的球体是固定的,受压后不运动。固定式球阀设有浮动阀座,受介质压力而产生阀座移动,使密封圈压在球体上以保证密封。轴承通常安装在带有球体的上下轴上。操作扭矩小,适用于高压和大通径阀门。弹性球阀球阀的球体具有弹性。球体和阀座密封圈由金属材料制成。该阀适用于高温、高压介质。 An elastic sphere is an elastic slot at the lower end of the wall inside the sphere, which obtains elasticity. When closing the channel, use the wedge head of the stem to make the sphere rise and hold to tighten to seal. Release the wedge head before turning the sphere, and the sphere reverts to its original shape, allowing for a small gap between the sphere and the seat, reducing friction and operating torque of the sealing surface. V Type Ball Valve The V-shaped regulating ball valve has a shear effect on the seat because the core has a V-shaped structure. Therefore, it is suitable for paper, chemical, metallurgy and other industrial enterprises containing fiber or tiny solid particles in the suspension fluid medium of the relevant process parameters control. V-ball valve belongs to the fixed ball valve and has a single seat. Its adjustment performance is the best ball valve. Plus, its flow characteristics are equal percentage, adjustable ratio of up to 100:1. Three-way Ball Valve The tee ball valves are T-type and L-type. The T-type can connect three orthogonal pipes to each other and cut off the third channel, which acts as a diversion and convection. The L-type can only connect two orthogonal pipes to each other, and cannot maintain the interconnection of the third pipe at the same time, only for distribution.
  • 闸阀VS刀闸阀
    闸阀VS刀闸阀 2019年9月3日
    虽然闸阀和刀闸阀有许多相似之处,例如,它们都用于开关应用,但存在更根本的区别。工作原理闸阀是通过将楔体从流体的流动路径中抬起而打开的。它只用于关闭。以前,普通的闸阀用于纸浆和造纸工业,但粘稠的纸浆会卡在楔板和阀座之间,防止流体关闭。为了解决这一问题,设计了刀闸阀。它有一个锋利的边缘来切割果肉并保持液体流动。如上所述,闸阀应用于许多需要关闭阀的工业应用,如发电厂、水处理、采矿和海上应用。它们可用于苛刻的环境,如高温和高压环境。刀闸阀是泥浆应用的首选,因为它们的刀可以很容易地切割厚液体。应用范围包括但不限于稠油、轻质油脂、浆料、纸浆、清漆和废水等浓稠流体。 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES The advantage of gate valves is that they are bi-directional, suitable for demanding working conditions like high pressure & high temperature. Besides, it is quite efficient that there won’t be much pressure drop when gate valves is fully open. However, the torque of gate valves will be larger compared with other types of valves, so they will need a large force to open and close. For larger sizes, pneumatic or electric actuators will be a must, and this, of course, will lead to higher cost. Also, they take longer time to operate and need more space for installation. By contrast, knife gate valves are cheap, light and easy to operate, but the design makes them only limited to low-pressure working environment.
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