

  • 我们什么时候需要安装旁通阀?
    我们什么时候需要安装旁通阀? 2019年8月26日
    偶尔我们会看到一些比较大的阀门安装旁通阀。旁通阀的作用是什么?在什么情况下需要安装它们?相应设备的旁通阀尺寸是多少?实际上,旁通阀的两个主要功能是保护和应急。旁路阀可以保护主阀不因高压而损坏。高压管道开启前,通过旁通阀释放压力,避免高压突然激增,冲击下游阀。另外,阀门两端的压差过大,会导致扭矩过大,损坏阀门。因此,在旁通压力释放后,阀门开启。最大的优点是,当主阀出现故障或需要维修时,可通过开启旁通阀使管道循环,而不影响正常生产。 When do we need a bypass valve? When the main valve is with specifications below, we can install a bypass valve. (Just for reference) 2.5MPa, DN400 above 4.0MPa, DN250 above 6.4MPa, DN200 above 10MPa, DN150 above When the main valve is between DN100~DN200,its bypass valve should be DN20; When the main valve is between DN250~DN600, its bypass valve should be DN25; When the main valve is above DN600, its bypass valve should be DN40.
  • 阿根廷的朋友们
    阿根廷的朋友们 2019年8月19日
  • 为什么阀门要配备后座?
    为什么阀门要配备后座? 2019年8月12日
  • 热烈欢迎DESB来我公司参观指导
    热烈欢迎DESB来我公司参观指导 2019年8月5日
  • 双偏置蝶阀和三偏置蝶阀
    双偏置蝶阀和三偏置蝶阀 2019年7月29日
    蝶阀是最常用的阀门之一,我们常用的有同心软密封蝶阀、双偏心蝶阀和三偏心蝶阀。通常同心软密封蝶阀主要应用于常温、低压工况下,如给排水、水利工程、市政建设等领域。那么什么是双偏心蝶阀呢?什么是三偏心蝶阀?它们适用于什么条件?双偏心蝶阀PTFE阀座双偏心蝶阀耐腐蚀。金属阀座双偏心蝶阀耐高温。但金属阀座双偏心蝶阀不能承受高压。由于板与密封面直接接触,在高压工况下使用会造成泄漏。双偏心蝶阀应用于给排水、污水、建筑、石油、化工、轻纺、造纸、水电、冶金、能源等领域。三偏心蝶阀三偏心蝶阀是将同心圆蝶阀和双偏心蝶阀结合起来的一种阀门。There are more choices for the seat material of triple eccentric butterfly valves, and is able to suit both low and high temperature and All kinds of acid, alkali and other corrosive media. In addition, triple eccentric butterfly valve can achieve zero leakage, especially suitable for large diameter valve, and, in the use of shut-off valve, can replace the gate valve and ball valve. When used to regulate the flow rate, it can replace the cumbersome globe valve. At present, the triple eccentric butterfly valve is widely used in oil mining, oil refining, petrochemical, energy generation and other important industrial fields of the pipelines. With people's continuous research,it is believed that the triple eccentric butterfly valve will be used in more and more fields.
  • Dervos 2019年中期会议
    Dervos 2019年中期会议 2019年7月22日
    7月22日星期五,德孚2019年年中年会在厦门办公室举行。我们温州办公室的同事通过音频会议的方式加入了我们。会议期间,各部门要做上半年的总结,并制定未来六个月的计划。物流部门提到的一个有趣的地方是,铁路运输在2019年有很大的增长,因为欧洲的很多订单将通过火车交付,因为火车的成本更低。QC部门列出了质量表现良好,合作态度良好的供应商。对于这些,我们可以在未来半年进行更深入的合作。同时,部分供应商在首次合作后不推荐。采购部门得出了前六个月准时交货的结论。对于每周的状态跟踪和报告,有一些我们可以做的事情来达到更好的准时交货。上个月,整个德孚销售部门被分成了两个小组。 Two managers of these two newly established sales groups reported separately our sales performance and set a new goal for the next half year. Thanks to this company restructuring, both groups are more inspired to compete and fight for the same goal-better sales performance. Our sales director Ken brought us the good news that our sales amount has exceed the same period of last year. Finally, our big boss Eric made a conclusion for this meeting, reviewing the important achievements we have made. Also, we have big plan for the next six months- to set up finished product center and to visit our clients abroad. Although we have gone through a lot of pain and hardships during the company reforming and development in this half year, we still hold the belief that all the efforts we made will pay off one day. We are always on the way to provide Dervos clients with better customer service and products.
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