1.为什么双阀座阀在小开度时倾向于振荡?对于单滑阀来说,当介质为开流式时,具有极好的稳定性,即介质流向有利于阀门开启的方向。相反,当转换为闭式时,阀门的稳定性下降。综上所述,由于双阀座阀芯(上阀芯处于流量关闭状态,下阀芯势必处于流量开启状态)同时工作,使得双阀座阀稳定性差,在小开度状态下容易发生振动。2.为什么不能采用双密封阀来切断介质?罐体以其力平衡结构,双密封阀具有较大的压差。但如果将其作为截止阀使用,由于两个密封面的不完全接触所带来的泄漏将导致可怕的后果。3. Why does a linear motion valve do worse in anti-blocking than rotary motion valve? The linear motion valve cut off the flow vertically but the medium horizontally flows in and out. The flow path in the cavity, extending in twist and turns, enables the impurities to precipitate in the so-called dead zones. As time goes by, the path will be blocked. On the contrary, the rotary motion valve cut the flow off horizontally and has a relatively simple flow path. Therefore, the rotary motion valve has a better anti-blocking performance. 4.Why the stem of linear motion valve is relatively small It refers to an easy mechanical principle: high sliding friction brings low rolling friction. The stem of the linear motion valve moves up and down. The packing, which is slightly compressed, will wrap the stem very tightly, resulting in a large backlash. To avoid that, the stem is designed to be very thin and small. 5. Why does rotary motion valve can bear high differential pressure? That’s because the resultant force that the medium produced on the spool or plate only has a very small torque on the axis of rotation. As a result, the rotary motion valve bears high differential pressure