

  • 闸阀操作注意事项
    闸阀操作注意事项 2015年10月3日
    1.闸阀一般用于启闭场合,禁止用于调节流量。2.当使用温度在260℃以上时,建议使用柔性楔闸阀或对开楔闸阀,以避免因热膨胀而卡死。3.当涉及高速(紊流)或热循环时,螺纹阀座必须与阀体焊接在一起。订货时请注明。4.闸阀关闭后,应将阀杆翻转1/8 ~ 1/4圈左右,释放阀杆的压力。这样,即使阀杆在使用过程中轻微膨胀,也不会对阀门造成阻碍或损坏。 5. Due to the different caliber size, application environment, and materials, certain gate valves require special installation. If the valve you order must be specially installed, you should indicate the direction of the valve when ordering.
  • 如果使用蝶阀直径错了怎么办
    如果使用蝶阀直径错了怎么办 2015年9月15日
    蝶阀的直径主要是由流量、介质和流量决定的。一般液体的流速不超过5m/s,可达7-8m/s。一般水的流速为2-3m/s,低压气体的流速建议为2-10m/s,中压气体的流速建议为10-20m/s;关于蒸汽流量,低压蒸汽流量建议为20-40m/s,中压蒸汽流量建议为40-60m/s,高压蒸汽流量建议为60-80m/s。当然,有时候为了减少压力损失,人们会选择直径较大的蝶阀,这样流量会变慢。但是,如果阀门在低流量下运行,则不能这样做。液体流过绝对低压区,在很短的时间内迅速蒸发和再凝结。这种现象称为空化效应。由于气体在低压下不能改变状态,所以在气流中不会发生这种现象。当流体流入高压区域时,蒸汽气泡会突然凝结、坍塌或合并,流速可达110m/s,流量压力可达50Mpa,对管壁造成冲击破坏。 When the valve pressure is less than 1.5Mpa and cavitation occurs, but does not cause serious damage to the material, so no special measures are necessary.
  • 德沃斯将参加2016年阀门世界博览会
    德沃斯将参加2016年阀门世界博览会 2015年9月04
    德孚斯阀门工业有限公司即将参加2016阀门世界博览会,展会位置为4 / G59展厅。我们期待您的到来,并希望有未来的合作。如果您对我们的产品感兴趣,请致电:0086-592-5185 336或发电子邮件给我们:(电子邮件保护)德孚斯成立于2008年,是一家专业的工业阀门出口商。从那时起,专业的销售和服务团队开始了阀门的业务,并将市场扩展到五大洲:欧洲、亚洲、美洲、非洲和大洋洲。阀门世界博览会,国际工业阀门及配件贸易展览会,自2010年起每两年在Düsseldorf举办一次。在为期三天的展会上,共有12500名行业观众访问了Düsseldorf。届时,我们也会将最新的研究成果和产品带到展会上。希望在那里见到你。日期:2016年11月29日至12月1日主办单位:Messe Düsseldorf GmbH地址:Düsseldorf,德国国际展览中心公司展览位置:4号馆/ G59
  • 船用阀门常见故障及处理方法
    船用阀门常见故障及处理方法 2015年8月25日
    由于当今科学技术的发展,船用阀门有了很大的改进,阀体强度更好,耐磨损和腐蚀能力强,使用寿命更长。然而,偶尔也会有一些意外的故障影响阀门的使用和健康。一些常见的故障和相应的修复方法。1.设备不工作,DCS报警超时。可能原因:A.电源死电;B.主回路缺相;C.控制回路失效;A.检查各线路电源及电压;B.检查主电路相线是否断线;C.检查开关限位或转矩开关是否工作正常。 Whether the DCS is protected by chain; 2.DCS alarms once upon it is operated Possible causes: A. The short-circuit of the main circuit leads to the protective act of the thermal relay or power switch trip; B. Fails of internal components or body cause excessive torque protection; C. The electrical equipment's torque control mechanism fails or the torque setting value is too small; Solutions: A. Check whether the power switch trip and thermal relay ; B. Check if the transmission mechanism is stuck; C. Check the torque setting value; Through the above analysis, we will have a general understanding of these failures and the corresponding solutions. There will be other faults in marine valves in the future, but as long as we actively analyze these faults, we will finally find a suitable solution.
  • 关于安全阀设计原则的六个要点
    关于安全阀设计原则的六个要点 2015年9月18日
    1.首先,安全阀的设计必须满足用户的要求。2.产品价格应根据实际工作情况,一次性做出最合理的价格。3.他们在设计时首先要考虑的是使阀门的整体性能达到预期和标准。4.更多的测试保证了更精确和详细的参数。5.弹簧的刚度应引起重视。 Appropriate design enables the valve’s internal parts to match each other batter, making it easy to assemble, disassemble and maintain. 6.Safety valve needs to be designed to have a longer service life. Generally, the medium of safety valve can be divided into three types: steam, gas and liquid. But designers cannot do performance tests of various media at the same time. Due to heavy oil (asphalt) and other media, the qualified performance data obtained from the cold test may become unsatisfactory. Therefore, the safety valve design cannot duplicate any other mature product models. The valve should be manufactured with appropriate spring rigidity and reasonable internal structure according to different media. Of course, the design principle of the safety valve is to produce products that users satisfy, and the only design shortcut is the experience accumulated from practice.
  • 关于阀门使用的5个问题
    关于阀门使用的5个问题 2015年8月26日
    1.为什么双阀座阀在小开度时倾向于振荡?对于单滑阀来说,当介质为开流式时,具有极好的稳定性,即介质流向有利于阀门开启的方向。相反,当转换为闭式时,阀门的稳定性下降。综上所述,由于双阀座阀芯(上阀芯处于流量关闭状态,下阀芯势必处于流量开启状态)同时工作,使得双阀座阀稳定性差,在小开度状态下容易发生振动。2.为什么不能采用双密封阀来切断介质?罐体以其力平衡结构,双密封阀具有较大的压差。但如果将其作为截止阀使用,由于两个密封面的不完全接触所带来的泄漏将导致可怕的后果。3. Why does a linear motion valve do worse in anti-blocking than rotary motion valve? The linear motion valve cut off the flow vertically but the medium horizontally flows in and out. The flow path in the cavity, extending in twist and turns, enables the impurities to precipitate in the so-called dead zones. As time goes by, the path will be blocked. On the contrary, the rotary motion valve cut the flow off horizontally and has a relatively simple flow path. Therefore, the rotary motion valve has a better anti-blocking performance. 4.Why the stem of linear motion valve is relatively small It refers to an easy mechanical principle: high sliding friction brings low rolling friction. The stem of the linear motion valve moves up and down. The packing, which is slightly compressed, will wrap the stem very tightly, resulting in a large backlash. To avoid that, the stem is designed to be very thin and small. 5. Why does rotary motion valve can bear high differential pressure? That’s because the resultant force that the medium produced on the spool or plate only has a very small torque on the axis of rotation. As a result, the rotary motion valve bears high differential pressure
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