气动截止球阀配有行程限位开关、电磁阀、减压阀和0.4-0.7 Mpa气源,可实现切换操作,并发出两个被动接触信号指示阀门开关。执行器可分为两种类型:单作用执行器和双作用执行器。单作用执行机构的独特优点是,在电源故障的情况下,气动关闭球阀会根据系统要求自动开启或关闭。气动截止阀广泛应用于化工、石油、纺织、电力、食品制药、制冷、航空、航天、造纸等行业。它不仅可以控制气体、液体和蒸汽介质,还可以应用于污水的控制。气动截止球阀特点流体阻力小,球阀是流体阻力最小的阀门之一。即使球阀减量,其流体阻力也很小。2.推力轴承可以减少阀杆的摩擦力矩,使阀杆光滑灵活。 3. Good valve seat sealing performance. Sealing rings are made of Teflon and other elastic materials for excellent sealing work. In addition, with continued high and medium pressure, the sealing capacity of the ball valve will increase. 4. Reliable valve stem sealing performance. Because the valve stem itself can only perform rotary motion instead of lifting movement, the packing seal of the valve stem is not easy to be damaged, and its sealing performance will be better as the medium pressure increases. 5. Due to the good self-lubricating performance and small friction loss of Teflon and other materials, the pneumatic cut-off ball valve can have a longer service life.