经过上千次的讨论和辩论,成都这个中国西南部迷人而充满活力的城市,以及城市周围几个壮观的自然景点,最终决定成为今年公司旅行的目的地。在今年的旅行中,我们第一次分成了两组。一个团队飞到成都,前往全国著名的旅游景点九寨沟,而另一个之前去过成都的团队选择自驾游到成都。4天后,德沃斯的两支队伍将在这座美丽的城市相遇。旅游队要去的地方是一个国家公园,那里以传说中的蓝色和绿色湖泊、壮观的瀑布、狭窄的锥形喀斯特地貌和独特的野生动物而闻名。九寨沟几乎是仙境的代名词。虽然是雨天,但雨和流云也为这个风景如画的地方增添了特殊的情感。实际上,我们在那里拍了成百上千张照片。我们想要捕捉迷人的场景,捕捉我们一起度过的时刻。那我们来谈谈另一个团队,自动驾驶团队。 In 4 days, they made their way north, crossed 5 province, visited cities and ancient towns, tasted local dishes and they even drove to a mountain at an elevation of 4,000 meters. You have to say that, they are the real players and played more than hard. Two teams, in the end, met in Chengdu. We have one kind of national-wide popular food in China called ‘hotpot’ which actually is born in Chengdu. Of course we didn’t miss it. What’s more, Chengdu is home to anther thing you definitely heard before or even love-- panda. We also visited these adorable creatures. We say that 2020 is quite a difficult year. It’s like on a hard mode. But we believe that it will get better. The road lays there, it always waits for someone to step onto it. We, Dervos people, have been on the road, and will never stop.