DVS 2020年度年度会议和派对
经过近半个月的筹备,我们的2020年年会终于于3月2日成功召开。主持会议的Dervos首席执行官Eric Wong并没有直接汇报工作,而是首先回顾了我们三年的发展规划,并将追求共同繁荣作为工作指南。“这是我们聚在一起时最粗俗但最原始的愿望,对吧?”他说,“具体的好处比任何陈词滥调都更有说服力。”与此同时,他表达了他的愿望,希望每个人都能在德沃斯享受时光。在接下来的会议中,Eric回顾并介绍了公司在过去艰难的一年里所做的事情。在2021年的计划中,他引入了待定的结构调整和股权激励制度,发誓要加倍努力,增强集体凝聚力,带领团队和公司达到一个新的高度。下午,我们去了一家照相馆,准备拍一张2021年的全新个人头像。准备好拍摄华丽的照片,所有的dvser都盛装打扮和化妆。我们把这次拍摄看作是一次难得的表达外在自我的机会,当然,我们也有着优秀的内在专业素养。天色已晚,庆功会开始了。 If you’re familiar with Dervos and the city the firm located, we have a traditional activity called BoBing, or "gambling for cakes", to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it is the same activity that dominates the new year celebration. What’s different is that thecake this time is cash instead of gifts. Roc, head of our Zhejiang branch, luckily became the biggest winner. At the moment, we finally put a period to all works and tasks of 2020. With a full year of memories and lessons, Dervos is eager for new challenges and opportunities ahead. Thanks for supports from all of our clients in this tough year. Dervos will continue to bring quality products to this market. Hope we meet you there.