在眨眼间,2020年的一半已经通过了。为了总结今年下半年的经验和更好的部署和开展工作,Dervos于6月21日至23日举行了中年会议。本次会议在3天内分为10个会议,因为财务部门和人力资源部门等每个部门在上半年内举办了他们的工作。值得注意的是,我们的同事代表浙江省丽水的分公司,也在这个年前的会议上出现。Dervos首席执行官Eric建议他为期三年的工作计划,作为未来几年Dervos开发道路的一般指南。在会议上,他说,Dervos应该利用其业务部,质量检验部门,集成中心作为其核心竞争力。Eric还表示预期,所有销售都是产品精明,行业精明,客户精明,商业精通和供应链娴熟,并要求从现在开始,每位员工都会在工厂工作和学习每一个月一年,了解更多专业知识,并专业地为客户提供服务。In the final meeting, Dervos revealed it’s new edition of employee handbook, and updated salary structure and improved other company rules and regulations, in an attempt to better arrange company works and help the company itself and all of its team members better grow and develop in the future. Once the meeting ends, it marks Dervos, who is born in 2008 June, officially steps into its 12th. Chinese believes that each 12-year marks a circle or periodic growth, so in the last year of Dervos first big circle, please give us your best support and we also promise that we will continue to serve our customers with high-quality and durable products.