

  • v形端口阀门的优点
    v形端口阀门的优点 2020年9月18日
    v形球阀或v形端口球阀类似于传统的球阀,在球阀的阀瓣上有一个v形缺口,通过一个旋转的四分之一圈运动来控制流量。“V口”是一种特殊的设计,具有精确的流量和不同程度的V球调节和控制流量的能力。这些特殊的阀门用于广泛的化工应用,包括具有许多优点的最具挑战性的应用。流量调节v型球阀的精度提供相同百分比的流量特性。当球旋转时,可以通过将球定位在0°到90°之间的任何位置来实现所需的流量。汽泡紧密关闭v型球阀具有紧密关闭的能力。因此,当在截止阀上使用v型球阀时,不需要其他关闭阀。压降较低的v型球阀的流量系数(Cv)也高于相同尺寸的截止阀,后者通过一个塞来控制流经阀门的流量。这意味着一个关闭阀所达到的流量可以通过较小的v球尺寸来实现。更高的关闭压力。 A 90°rotation of the ball allows the V-ball to close at a higher operating pressure. This therefore allows the use of lower torque actuators, resulting in cost savings and increased efficiency for the end user.
  • 了解和了解更多的转换阀
    了解和了解更多的转换阀 2020年9月11日
    还有很多类型的转换阀,并根据不同的标准,有不同的细分。但一般来说,它主要是四种,对于电动转换阀,手动转换阀,电磁阀和电液转换阀。1.什么是转换阀?转换阀从专业的角度来看,是一种方向变化阀。它主要用于实现液压油的流动,切断机器转换操作,压力缓解,以及顺序动作控制,因此其使用非常宽。2.倒阀的工作原理转换阀使用阀门外的驱动机构来旋转驱动轴,然后激活阀板等,使得流体可以流入阀门下部的出口,并且可以不时改变以达到定期改变流动方向的目的。3.转换阀分类(1)电动转换阀,它也称为行程阀。(2)电磁转换阀,电磁转换阀是使用电磁吸引力操纵阀芯转换控制阀。(3)电液转换阀,电液转换阀是由电磁阀和液压转换阀组成的复合阀。 (4) Manual changeover valve, manual changeover valve is a changeover control valve with a manual lever to manipulate the spool shift direction-changing valve.
  • 如何延长衬管阀的使用寿命?
    如何延长衬管阀的使用寿命? 9月1日,2020年
    在防腐材料中,PTFE具有无可比拟的优异性能。除具有优异的化学稳定性外,还具有令人满意的防污抗粘性,动、静摩擦系数小,抗磨性能好。将其作为阀门启闭密封材料,可减少密封面之间的摩擦和所需的操作扭矩,从而提高产品寿命。应用范围也可扩展到食品、制药等行业。衬氟阀门,又称防腐阀门,通常在恶劣的工作条件下使用。介质要么是有毒有害的化学物质,要么是腐蚀性极强的酸、碱或有机溶剂。即使用和操作不当将造成重大经济损失和严重后果。适用介质:各种浓度的酸、碱、盐及一定的有机溶剂。氟被誉为世界上最理想的防腐材料,已广泛应用于大型设备的旋转成型和管道内衬。正确的使用和维护阀门可以延长衬氟阀门的使用寿命,那么怎样做才能有效的保护它呢? 1. Carefully read the instruction manual before use. 2. Use it within the range of pressure, temperature and media given by the nameplate or instruction. 3. To prevent fluorine lined valves from excessive piping stresses due to temperature changes, temperature changes should be minimized and U-shaped expansion joints should be added before and after the valve. 4. For some unstable and easily decomposed media (such media will expand after decomposition, resulting in an abnormal pressure rise) and media that can cause valve damage or leakage, measures should be taken to eliminate or limit the factors that cause the decomposition of unstable media. 5. For fluorine lined valves in pipelines of toxic, flammable, explosive, highly corrosive media, it is strictly prohibited to replace the packing under pressure. Even the valves are designed with sealing part, it is not recommended to replace the packing under pressure either. 6. For pipelines with self-combustible media, measures should be taken to ensure that the ambient and working temperatures do not exceed the self-combustibility point of the media to avoid the danger from sunlight or external fires.
  • 三偏置蝶阀的哪三个部件是偏置的?
    三偏置蝶阀的哪三个部件是偏置的? 2020年8月07
    传统硬密封蝶阀的密封性能不是很令人满意,因为阀门的泄漏难以避免。为了改变这种情况,经过几次硬密封蝶阀的升级,三偏心蝶阀应运而生。三偏心蝶阀的特点是将耐高温耐腐蚀合金材料焊接在阀座密封面层上,多层软叠密封圈固定在蝶板上。这种工艺使得三偏心蝶阀比传统蝶阀产品更耐高温高压环境,更耐腐蚀。具体来说,硬密封蝶阀的三偏心结构的优点是:三偏心式设计独特,金属硬密封开始节省更多的精力。阀门开启或关闭时,蝶板与阀体在旋转时无摩擦。当阀门关闭时,传动机构增加的扭矩可以提供补偿密封,大大提高了三偏心蝶阀的密封性能。同时,蝶阀的使用寿命增加。三偏置蝶阀的哪三个部件是偏置的?第一个偏心部分是位于阀板主轴后面的主轴,使密封完全紧密地围绕整个阀座。 The second eccentric part is that the centerline of the valve shaft deviates from the centerline of the pipe and the valve. This construct prevents interference from valve opening and closing. The third eccentric is that the valve seat cone axis deviates from the center line of the valve shaft, so as to eliminate friction in the closing and opening process, and to achieve a uniform and consistent compression seal around the entire valve seat. The above is an introduction to the three eccentric butterfly valve, three eccentric butterfly valve is a high-performance butterfly valve, currently used in many fields. And even in some areas, triple offset butterfly valve has took the place of the gate valve, globe valve, ball valve and other products.
  • 你应该什么时候使用三件式球阀
    你应该什么时候使用三件式球阀 2020年8月07
    球阀的选项似乎无穷无尽。为了选择右球阀,您必须决定哪种座椅材料?什么样的终端连接?完整,减少或标准港口?双向或多端口类型?包装?在本文中,我们将在您使用三件式球阀时讨论。什么是3件式球阀?球阀落在一体式,两件式或三件套中。一体式球阀相对便宜,通常不需要维护。 A two-piece ball valve consists of two separate parts that are connected by a threaded or bolted and flanged assembly. According to this law, you may have guessed that a three-piece ball valve consists of three pieces. Yes, there are two end caps and a valve body. The end caps are either welded, threaded or flanged to the piping on either side of the valve. Why use a three-piece ball valve? For projects with a large number of valve requirements, three-piece ball valves are more convenient than one-piece or two-piece ones. When seats and seals need to be replaced periodically, three-piece valves can be easily disassembled, repaired and reassembled without major cuts to the piping. Three-piece ball valves also allow replacement of elastomers to accommodate different process conditions, temperatures, pressures and flow rates. Do you need to weld the valve in the field? Another benefit of a 3 piece ball valve is the fact that it can remove the valve body and trims while welding. Because that, the body and trims can be kept intact. What is the biggest difference between a 2 and 3 piece ball valve? The two-piece ball valve was also designed in the view of easy maintenance. The major difference between the two is that the valve body on a three-piece valve can be removed without disturbing the two end caps. Two-piece ball valves usually do not allow this, let alone one-piece ball valves. There are, of course, price differences. As mentioned earlier, one-piece valves are usually disposable. Three-piece valves tend to cost more initially, but in the long run, maintenance costs and the ability to replace the seat and seals should be kept in mind rather than replacing the valve.
  • 球阀的性能优于蝶阀
    球阀的性能优于蝶阀 2020年7月23日
    球阀和蝶阀是两种最常见的旋转阀。只需要转四分之一圈就可以打开或关闭两个阀门。然而,在某些功能上球阀比蝶阀要好。首先,球阀提供了完美的密封。当阀门完全关闭时,不会有泄漏。更重要的是,无论来自供应管道的压力如何,球阀都可以旋转。而且,只要它是全开的,就不会降低管道中流体的压力。球阀主要用于控制高压液体和气体管道。这是因为球阀在完全开启时不会造成任何压力下降或阻碍流体运动。值得注意的是,它们主要用于管道内径小于或等于6英寸的应用场合。 Ball valves have no trouble in high-pressure applications. In addition, when ball valves are used in high-pressure applications, a pressure balancing scheme is not required. This is not possible with butterfly valves. Ball valves have a simple structure. They are also smaller and lighter compared to many other types of valves. Ball valves have a very flexible soft seal, which makes it easy to operate. And ball valves have the lowest fluid resistance compared to all other types of valves. You can use the valve for many years without any damage due to leakage. In other words, this means that the valve is reliable and cost effective in the long term. This valve can be designed to withstand extremely high pressures. In fact, you will recognize that high-pressure systems often have ball valves fitted internally. There can be multiple ends in a ball valve. It allows many combinations of ports. If you are thinking of purchasing a ball valve, you can consider these advantages before your purchase.
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