安装前的球阀的制备1.确保球阀的安装位置处的管道处于同轴位置。管道上的两个法兰应该是平行的,并确认管道可以承受球阀的重量。2.检查管道中是否有杂质和焊接渣,调节阀必须吹扫管道。3.检查球阀的铭牌,并完全打开和关闭球阀,几次确认阀门可以正常工作,并彻底检查阀门的所有细节,以确保阀门完整。4.拆下阀门两端的保护盖,检查主体是否清洁,清洁体腔,因为球阀的密封面是球形,甚至小碎屑可能会损坏密封表面。球阀的安装1.球阀的任何部分都可以安装在上游端,上海NIMEI球阀手柄球阀可以安装在管道的任何位置,如果配有致动器(如齿轮箱,电动气动执行器)球阀,它必须垂直安装,水平位置阀门入口和出口。2.根据带有密封垫圈的管道的设计要求,球阀法兰和管道法兰之间。3.法兰上的螺栓应同时,连续,均匀地紧固。4.如果带气动,电动等执行器的球阀,根据手册完成安装空气源,电源。 Inspection After Installation Of Ball Valve 1.After installation, start the ball valve open and close several times, should be flexible, uniform force, ball valve work normally. 2. According to the design requirements of pipeline pressure, test the sealing performance of the joint surface of ball valve and pipeline flange after passing through pressure. Ball Valve Maintenance 1. Only by removing the pressure before and after the ball valve can the ball valve be disassembled and decomposed. 2. In the decomposition and reassembly process of the ball valve, it is necessary to protect the sealed parts, especially non-metallic parts, such as o-ring and other parts, with special tools. 3. Bolts must be tightened symmetrically, step by step and evenly when the ball valve body is reassembled. 4. Cleaning agent should be compatible with rubber parts, plastic parts, metal parts and working medium (such as gas) in the ball valve.When the working medium is gas, gasoline (gb484-89) can be used to clean the metal parts.Clean nonmetallic parts with purified water or alcohol. 5. The decomposed individual parts can be cleaned by immersion washing.The metal parts that have not been decomposed can be cleaned by a clean and fine dip silk cloth with cleaning agent (to avoid fiber falling off and sticking to the parts).When cleaning, remove all the grease, dirt, glue, dust etc. 6, non-metallic parts should be imm...