

  • 什么是输油管道阀门和除油阀门?
    什么是输油管道阀门和除油阀门? 2021年7月29日
    在乙烯热解过程中,传递管线阀门和除焦阀(简称TLV和DV)是必不可少的,其性能对过程的运行和安全有着显著的影响。首先,我们来传输管阀(电磁阀)&除焦阀(DV)特点:DN不同于3 - 54英寸,我们传输管阀&除焦阀可以使用几乎所有类型的乙烯裂解炉,包括CBL (SEI), BYC (Wison)、SRT(鲁玛斯),南加州大学(S&W) Pyrocrack(林德)SC-II (KRB)在市场上和其他受欢迎的类型。转换管线阀门和除垢阀工作在非常苛刻的应用环境中,处理高温、污垢条件、高密封性要求、高可靠性要求,从安全角度来看,它们是至关重要的。因此,我们关心产品的设计和选择。主要关注以下性能:首先,我们关注的是抗结焦性能,特别是在开启位置和开关过程中;其次是颗粒阻力,主要是指密封面不被颗粒覆盖。减少压力损失,以免导致密封失效或妨碍操作;最后,我们特别注意阀门的可持续服务和易于维护。十多年来,我们一直是阀门行业的佼佼者。我们位于中国,在生产阀门的同时,我们与一大批优秀的阀门供应商合作,以满足您的各种需求。 If you have any needs of or interests in these two kinds of special valves, welcome to contact us for more product information. Or if there is anything we can help with, we shall be more than pleased to do so.
  • 锻造钢球阀VS铸钢球阀
    锻造钢球阀VS铸钢球阀 2021年6月16日
  • 波纹管密封截止阀与普通截止阀
    波纹管密封截止阀与普通截止阀 2021年5月27日
    作为管道中的部件,阀门控制流体的连接和切断。阀门就像汽车上的刹车片,一个人破裂,可能会导致意外后果。因此,阀门的性能和使用寿命直接影响系统的操作。如果阀门损坏,则系统必须关闭系统进行维护,损耗带来的损耗大致超过了这种阀门的成本。阀门的质量和寿命非常重要。波纹管密封地球阀在两个方面都特别出色。它的双密封保证零泄漏,但在氦质谱测试中也达到零泄漏。非常安全可靠。波纹管可以在没有损坏的情况下循环超过10,000次,大大超过普通全球阀门包装密封的使用寿命。此外,波纹管密封阀可以防止外部灰尘进入阀体以确保介质的清洁度。 In conditions such as high-purity silicon powder, pure oxygen, food, vacuum and other working conditions, the bellows globe valves still have a very outstanding performance. In the process of switching, common globe valves will see dynamic friction between packing and stem, and the packing will be worn and fail. When globe valves are in high and low-temperature occasions, their packing will expand or contract, packing changes, resulting in packing seal failure; As for low-temperature conditions, the packing is easy to freeze, the packing is easy to be scratched by ice in the witching process. In short, the advantages of the bellows globe valve compared with the ordinary globe valve can be summarized as follows. 1. The bellows globe valve can meet the request of zero external leakage in helium mass spectrometry. 2. The service life of the bellows sealed globe valve is much higher than that of the common globe valve, whose packing is susceptible and replacement frequency is higher. 3. The bellows sealed globe valve has a metal barrier at the stem seal, which can be used in working conditions where absolute isolation is required inside and outside the valve. 4. The bellows of the bellows sealed globe valve can expand and contract, which is not affected by thermal expansion and contraction, and it has very obvious advantages in the occasion of large temperature differences. 5. The bellows valve has double sealing. the bellows instinct, the packing is completely isolated from the medium, which protects the packing well and greatly extends the service life. Dervos is a leading valve manufacturer and provider of engineered products for different industries. If you’re looking for feasible solutions, check out our vast range of high-quality valves which includes gate valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, as well as other control valves and more. For more information regarding our high-quality products, contact us today.
  • 何时使用刀闸阀
    何时使用刀闸阀 2021年5月13日
  • 在安装WAFER止回阀时要记住这些
    在安装WAFER止回阀时要记住这些 5月7日,2020年
    对夹式止回阀是一般的流体单向阀。重量轻,体积小,对夹式止回阀易于安装在法兰之间。阀门内部由两个半圆形紧弹簧和用销钉固定在阀体上的板组成。流动的流体使弹簧变形,通过阀门。当弹簧失去流体压力时,阀门关闭。弹簧能迅速变形,避免了水锤对管道的破坏。在安装WAFER止回阀1时要记住这些。首先,最重要的是,在安装WAFER止回阀时,要确保开口方向与流体方向一致。2.将止回阀安装在垂直管道上,如果是水平管道,则垂直安装止回阀。 3. Use a expanding tube between the WAFER check valve and the butterfly valve. Don’t connect them to other valves directly. 4. Keep pipe joints and blockagesaway from the operating radius of the valve plate. 5. Do not install a reducer in front of or perhaps behind the WAFER check valve. 6. When the WAFER check valve have to be installed near a elbow pipe, leave a large enough space. 7. If WAFER check valve is placed at the outlet of pump , allow space at least six times the diameter of the valve to ensure that the butterfly plate can be pushed by fluid. Xiamen Dervos is an API Certified check valve manufacturing and trading company that specializes in the production of various kinds of valve. In addition to WAFER check valve, we also produce other industrial pipeline valves, such as gate valves, ball valves, globe valves, plug valves and butterfly valve. To learn more about our industry-leading products, contact us today.
  • 凸耳式蝶阀简介
    凸耳式蝶阀简介 2021年4月25日
    对夹式凸耳蝶阀的蝶板安装在管道的横截面上。在蝶阀阀体的圆柱形通道内,碟形蝶板绕轴旋转,旋转角度在0°~ 90°之间,旋转到90°时阀门处于全开状态。凸耳式蝶阀结构凸耳式蝶阀是用双头螺栓连接在两个管道法兰之间。它结构简单,体积小,重量轻,只由几个部件组成。只需旋转90°即可快速开启和关闭,操作方便,同时具有良好的流体控制特性。当蝶阀处于全开位置时,蝶板的厚度是介质流经阀体时的唯一阻力,因此通过阀门产生的压降很小,因此具有良好的流量控制特性。双偏置蝶阀有弹性密封和金属密封两种类型。对于弹性密封阀门,这种密封可以安装在阀体上,也可以安装在蝶阀板的周长上。蝶阀不仅广泛应用于石油、天然气、化工、水处理等一般行业,还广泛应用于火力发电厂的冷却水系统。用于硫酸工业燃气管道:炉前鼓风机进、出、继电风机进、出、电消雾串联阀、S02主鼓风机进、出、转炉调节、预热器进、出等调节和切断燃气量使用。 It is used for sulfur burning, conversion, dry suction section in sulfur acid system, and is the preferred brand of valve for sulfur acid device, and is considered by the majority of users as a butterfly valve with good sealing performance, light operation, vice corrosion, high temperature resistance, easy operation, flexibility, safe and reliable use, and has been widely promoted and used. Lug type butterfly valve is also widely used in: chemical, petrochemical, smelting, pharmaceutical, food and other industries in SO2, steam, air, gas, ammonia, CO2 gas, oil, water, brine, lye, seawater, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid and other media in the pipeline as a regulating and intercepting device use. Structural features of lug type butterfly valve ①The unique design of three-way eccentric makes the sealing surface frictionless between the transmission, which prolongs the service life of the valve. ②Resilient seal generated by torque. ③The ingenious wedge design makes the valve have the automatic sealing function of tightening the more it is closed, with compensating and zero leakage between the sealing surfaces. ④Small volume, light weight, light operation and easy installation. ⑤Pneumatic and electric devices can be configured according to user requirements to meet the needs of r...
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