Q1。为什么橡胶衬里蝶阀和氟隔膜阀会被淡化水介质缩短寿命?在酸或碱浓度较低的情况下,淡化水介质会对橡胶衬里蝶阀橡胶部分产生强烈的腐蚀,使橡胶膨胀、老化、失去强度,最终降低其工作性能。虽然开发了另一种耐腐蚀性能较好的阀门——橡胶衬里隔膜阀,但其隔膜在折叠后很容易断裂。然后发生机械损坏,使用寿命缩短。Q2。为什么关闭阀总是要用硬密封处理?软密封可根据需要从切断阀进行管理:具有更低的泄漏率,并具有很大的切断功能。然而,采用硬密封的阀门在可靠性和耐磨性方面不合格。当我们把这两种要求加到两种截止阀的比较中,硬密封的那一种就脱颖而出了。 Q3. Why does sleeve valve fail to take place of single valve and double valve? Many people thought that single and double seat valve will be squeezed out by the second-generation-to-be product--sleeve valve, which born in 1960s and found its feet worldwide in 1970s. But the current situation is quite different. Although the sleeve valve has remarkable stability, its weight and leakage index don’t exceed single and double seat valves. The end result of competition of there three valves is a draw, as they’re in the market nowadays. Q4. Why are piston actuator increasingly used in pneumatic valve? Piston actuator have smaller size but bigger thrust to drive pneumatic valve thank to air pressure. Q5. Why does selection outweigh calculation? Selection is more important and complex than calculation.Because calculation is only a process of formulas, it can’t demonstrate the accuracy of the formula itself, but the accuracy of given indexes. There are many items involved in the selection. A little oversight may bring wrong choice. That not only wastes manpower, material and financial resources, but also results in unsatisfactory conditions and brings troubles in reliability, service life and operation,etc.