

  • 高性能双偏心蝶阀
    高性能双偏心蝶阀 2月13日,2020年
    双偏心蝶阀是在单偏心蝶阀的基础上进一步改进的。其结构特点是阀杆的轴线偏离阀瓣的中心和阀体的中心。双偏心的作用,使蝶板在阀门开启后立即从阀座上脱落,大大消除了对阀瓣和阀座不必要的过度挤压和刮擦,降低了开启阻力,延长了阀座寿命。双偏心蝶阀还采用金属阀座,提高了在高温领域的应用。双偏心蝶阀又称高性能蝶阀。主要用于水厂、电厂、钢铁厂、化工、水源工程、环境设施等系统的排水。高性能双偏心蝶阀结构特点:设计合理,结构紧凑,拆装方便,维修方便。2.采用偏心结构,减少密封圈摩擦,延长阀门使用寿命。 3, Completely sealed, zero leakage. Can be used in ultra-high vacuum conditions. 4. Replace the seal ring, disc, shaft to different materials, which can be used for a variety of media and different temperatures.
  • 德沃斯旅游旺季
    德沃斯旅游旺季 1月4日,2020年1月4日
  • Dervos的份额正式列出
    Dervos的份额正式列出 2019年12月21日
    球阀的SPE,DPE,DBB和DIB 2019年12月16日
    SPE和DPE是不同类型的球阀阀座。在上游或下游配置DPE(双活塞效应)密封的球阀。当带有DPE阀座的球阀需要自动实现腔内超压时,需要安装一个额外的压力释放装置。只在上游配置SPE(单活塞效应)密封的球阀。并将腔体的超压自动释放到管道中。DBB(双阻塞和排泄)和DIB(双隔离和排泄)是不同形式的阀门。DBB的ISO/API定义如下:“带有两个阀座表面的单阀,在关闭状态下,通过阀座表面之间的腔体进行排气/排放,对来自阀门两端的压力进行密封。”DIB的定义如下:“带有两个阀座表面的单阀门,每个阀座表面处于关闭位置,通过对阀座表面之间的腔体进行排气/排放的方法,对来自单一来源的压力提供密封。”DIB的定义本身并不是很清楚,所以最好与附录B中DIB测试的要求同时阅读。简而言之,DBB为两侧SPE阀座阀门,DIB-1为两侧SPE阀座阀门,DIB-2为一侧SPE阀座和一侧DPE阀座阀门。 DIB-1 is a test performed on a valve where both seats are uni-directional (DPE) and a DIB-2 test is performed on a valve with one seat uni-directional (SPE) and one seat bi-directional (DPE). Both DIB-1 and DIB-2 are optional tests, and must be requested in order for the test to be performed. So, either a DIB-1 or a DIB-2 test will test the effectiveness of a DPE seat.
  • Dervos商务前往印度尼西亚
    Dervos商务前往印度尼西亚 2019年11月27日
    我们于2019年10月13~20日组团出访印度尼西亚。我们为这次旅行计划了很长时间,从展示到文件,到衣服等等。我们也提前调查了这个市场和这个国家的所有客户。通过这种方式,我们选择了有价值的客户与我们见面。说实话,在去印尼之前,我们对这个市场知之甚少。我们对这种冲突感到困惑:数据显示这个市场是有潜力的,但根据我们的经验,我们并没有从这个市场得到很多订单。这就是我们想要探索这个市场的原因。7天之后,我们带着对这个市场的了解回来了,我们对印尼有了更多的了解。印尼有两个层次;高层只在乎品牌,低层只在乎价格。 There is no doubt that this is a new way for us to do business, and we will keep investigating other markets in the future.
  • 球阀的安装和维护
    球阀的安装和维护 2019年11月21日
    安装前球阀准备确保球阀安装位置的管路处于同轴位置。管道上的两个法兰应平行,并确认管道能承受球阀的重量。2.检查管道内是否有杂质和焊渣,调节阀必须对管道进行清洗。3.检查球阀铭牌,将球阀全开、全关数次,确认球阀能正常工作,并彻底检查球阀的所有细节,确保球阀完好无损。4.取下阀门两端的保护罩,检查阀体是否清洁,清洗阀体腔体,因为球阀的密封面为球型,即使是很小的杂物也可能对密封面造成损坏。球阀的安装 Any section of the ball valve can be installed in the upstream end, Shanghai nimei ball valve handle ball valve can be installed in any position of the pipeline, if equipped with actuator (such as gear box, electric-pneumatic actuator) ball valve, it must be installed vertically, valve inlet and outlet in a horizontal position. 2. Between the ball valve flange and the pipeline flange according to the design requirements of the pipeline with sealing gasket. 3. Bolts on the flange shall be tightened symmetrically, successively and uniformly. 4. If the ball valve with pneumatic, electric and other actuators, according to the manual to complete the installation of air source, power supply. Inspection After Installation Of Ball Valve 1.After installation, start the ball valve open and close several times, should be flexible, uniform force, ball valve work normally. 2. According to the design requirements of pipeline pressure, test the sealing performance of the joint surface of ball valve and pipeline flange after passing through pressure. Ball Valve Maintenance 1. Only by removing the pressure before and after the ball valve can the ball valve be disassembled and decomposed. 2. In the decomposition and reassembly process of the ball valve, it is necessary to protect the sealed parts, especially non-metallic parts, such as o-ring and other parts, with special tools. 3. Bolts must be tightened symmetrically, step by step and evenly when the ball valve body is reassembled. 4. Cleaning agent should be compatible with rubber parts, plastic parts, metal parts and working medium (such as gas) in the ball valve.When the working medium is gas, gasoline (gb484-89) can be used to clean the metal parts.Clean nonmetallic parts with purified water or alcohol. 5. The decomposed individual parts can be cleaned by immersion washing.The metal parts that have not been decomposed can be cleaned by a clean and fine dip silk cloth with cleaning agent (to avoid fiber falling off and sticking to the parts).When cleaning, remove all the grease, dirt, glue, dust etc. 6, non-metallic parts should be imm...
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