在抗腐蚀材料中,PTFE具有无与伦比的优异性能。除了出色的化学稳定性外,它还具有令人满意的防污性和抗粘性,动态和静态摩擦系数小,抗磨损性能良好。使用它作为阀门开口并关闭密封材料,将减少密封表面和所需的操作扭矩之间的摩擦,因此产品寿命增加。应用范围也可以扩展到食品,制药行业等。通常在苛刻的工作条件下发现氟衬里阀门,也称为防腐蚀阀。介质是有毒和有害的化学品,或腐蚀性酸和碱或有机溶剂。这意味着使用不当和运营将引起重大的经济损失和严重后果。适用介质:各种浓度的酸和碱盐和某些有机溶剂。氟作为世界上最理想的防腐材料中的氟喷射,已广泛用于大型设备和管道衬砌的旋转成型。正确的使用和维护阀门可以延长氟衬里阀的使用寿命,那么可以做些什么来有效保护它? 1. Carefully read the instruction manual before use. 2. Use it within the range of pressure, temperature and media given by the nameplate or instruction. 3. To prevent fluorine lined valves from excessive piping stresses due to temperature changes, temperature changes should be minimized and U-shaped expansion joints should be added before and after the valve. 4. For some unstable and easily decomposed media (such media will expand after decomposition, resulting in an abnormal pressure rise) and media that can cause valve damage or leakage, measures should be taken to eliminate or limit the factors that cause the decomposition of unstable media. 5. For fluorine lined valves in pipelines of toxic, flammable, explosive, highly corrosive media, it is strictly prohibited to replace the packing under pressure. Even the valves are designed with sealing part, it is not recommended to replace the packing under pressure either. 6. For pipelines with self-combustible media, measures should be taken to ensure that the ambient and working temperatures do not exceed the self-combustibility point of the media to avoid the danger from sunlight or external fires.