低温阀门用于非常冷的应用。术语“低温”是指低于-50℃的温度。对于良好的延展性,需要用于低温服务的阀门材料。密封件,垫圈和其他配件也应根据需要调整这些极冷的条件。与液化和压缩天然气相关的行业,以及液体氧,氮气或氦气,依靠这些特殊阀门,用于频繁,安全可靠地运输低温液体和气体。特殊的清洁需求和担心要强调阀门制造商需要用特殊溶剂去除阀门的润滑脂和所有有机污染物,使阀门清洁。超声波清洁是一个常见的选择。一些清洁气体如氧气或氯需要非常高的清洁度,以确保在清洁后不会在阀门上保留有机材料或纤维断裂。清洁的和认证阀门置于双密封的聚乙烯袋中,以确保阀门储存在清洁环境中,直到它们安装和使用。运营商应在安装低温阀时进行彻底检查。 This is critical to ensure that no lubricants or grease are accidentally introduced into the valve. Some specialty lubricants are available for use in cryogenic environments, and whether or not they are allowed should depend on the specific application requirements. As mentioned earlier, cryogenic valves must avoid staining with fiber breaks. As a general rule, fibers longer than 1/8 inch are not allowed in the valve. In many cases, fibers or breaks of any length are not allowed in the valve. Finally, inspectors should regularly check cryogenic valves and oxygen systems to see if there are internal or external leaks. Internal valve leaks can be prevented by installing the valve properly and a reliable seal design. Cryogenic service requires robust and stable seals to ensure long-lasting and reliable operation of the equipment. Here at Dervos, we’re a leading provider for products inindustrial valve, and we’re certified with the CE, ISO, API and other institutions. We strive to offer the best quality products and customer service through our extensive experience. Contact us today for more information.