

  • 获得2项新技术专利
    获得2项新技术专利 2020年8月24日
    Dervos最近达到了两种新的技术专利,指的是一种具有过滤能力的闸阀和一种地球阀。大多数闸阀通过转动连接到杆的手轮打开和关闭,这使得杆向上和向下移动在引导槽中并将阀板向座椅向上移动。然而,阀杆和阀体牢固地压制彼此,如果长时间不使用闸阀,将使车轮打开并关闭阀门,这将需要巨大努力,从而阻碍阀门使用。Dervos新专利有助于通过将阀板插入阀体的凹槽中,帮助缓解难度,提升组件可以快速升高阀板,使入口和出口连接并打开闸阀。另一方面,组件可以将阀板降低到阀板的下表面并接触阀板的凹槽的底部,从而不能连接入口和出口,闸阀可以关闭。至于地球阀,它被称为最广泛使用的阀门之一,以阻止管道中的介质流动。由于管道中的流体中的杂质,目前的管道系统通常无法正常工作,因此需要将过滤功能添加到地球阀。通过优化内部结构,Dervos拥有创新的安装过滤器和阀体内的其他配件,使全球阀门具有这些优点:1。清洁过滤器时无需切断介质。2.轻松更换过滤器。3.出色的密封性能。 Dervos has been committed to bringing quality products to the market, and we also keep gonging on a creative development path.
  • 下一站,成都!
    下一站,成都! 2020年8月20日
    经过上千次的讨论和辩论,成都这个中国西南部迷人而充满活力的城市,以及城市周围几个壮观的自然景点,最终决定成为今年公司旅行的目的地。在今年的旅行中,我们第一次分成了两组。一个团队飞到成都,前往全国著名的旅游景点九寨沟,而另一个之前去过成都的团队选择自驾游到成都。4天后,德沃斯的两支队伍将在这座美丽的城市相遇。旅游队要去的地方是一个国家公园,那里以传说中的蓝色和绿色湖泊、壮观的瀑布、狭窄的锥形喀斯特地貌和独特的野生动物而闻名。九寨沟几乎是仙境的代名词。虽然是雨天,但雨和流云也为这个风景如画的地方增添了特殊的情感。实际上,我们在那里拍了成百上千张照片。我们想要捕捉迷人的场景,捕捉我们一起度过的时刻。那我们来谈谈另一个团队,自动驾驶团队。 In 4 days, they made their way north, crossed 5 province, visited cities and ancient towns, tasted local dishes and they even drove to a mountain at an elevation of 4,000 meters. You have to say that, they are the real players and played more than hard. Two teams, in the end, met in Chengdu. We have one kind of national-wide popular food in China called ‘hotpot’ which actually is born in Chengdu. Of course we didn’t miss it. What’s more, Chengdu is home to anther thing you definitely heard before or even love-- panda. We also visited these adorable creatures. We say that 2020 is quite a difficult year. It’s like on a hard mode. But we believe that it will get better. The road lays there, it always waits for someone to step onto it. We, Dervos people, have been on the road, and will never stop.
  • 三偏置蝶阀的哪三个部件是偏置的?
    三偏置蝶阀的哪三个部件是偏置的? 2020年8月07
    传统硬密封蝶阀的密封性能不是很令人满意,因为阀门的泄漏难以避免。为了改变这种情况,经过几次硬密封蝶阀的升级,三偏心蝶阀应运而生。三偏心蝶阀的特点是将耐高温耐腐蚀合金材料焊接在阀座密封面层上,多层软叠密封圈固定在蝶板上。这种工艺使得三偏心蝶阀比传统蝶阀产品更耐高温高压环境,更耐腐蚀。具体来说,硬密封蝶阀的三偏心结构的优点是:三偏心式设计独特,金属硬密封开始节省更多的精力。阀门开启或关闭时,蝶板与阀体在旋转时无摩擦。当阀门关闭时,传动机构增加的扭矩可以提供补偿密封,大大提高了三偏心蝶阀的密封性能。同时,蝶阀的使用寿命增加。三偏置蝶阀的哪三个部件是偏置的?第一个偏心部分是位于阀板主轴后面的主轴,使密封完全紧密地围绕整个阀座。 The second eccentric part is that the centerline of the valve shaft deviates from the centerline of the pipe and the valve. This construct prevents interference from valve opening and closing. The third eccentric is that the valve seat cone axis deviates from the center line of the valve shaft, so as to eliminate friction in the closing and opening process, and to achieve a uniform and consistent compression seal around the entire valve seat. The above is an introduction to the three eccentric butterfly valve, three eccentric butterfly valve is a high-performance butterfly valve, currently used in many fields. And even in some areas, triple offset butterfly valve has took the place of the gate valve, globe valve, ball valve and other products.
  • 什么时候应该使用三件式球阀
    什么时候应该使用三件式球阀 2020年8月07
    球阀的选择似乎无穷无尽。为了选择合适的球阀,你必须决定阀座的材质是什么?什么样的终端连接?满港、减港还是标准港?2路还是多端口类型?包装吗?在本文中,我们将讨论什么时候应该使用三件式球阀。什么是三件式球阀?球阀分为一体式、两件式或三件式。一体式球阀相对便宜,通常不需要维护。 A two-piece ball valve consists of two separate parts that are connected by a threaded or bolted and flanged assembly. According to this law, you may have guessed that a three-piece ball valve consists of three pieces. Yes, there are two end caps and a valve body. The end caps are either welded, threaded or flanged to the piping on either side of the valve. Why use a three-piece ball valve? For projects with a large number of valve requirements, three-piece ball valves are more convenient than one-piece or two-piece ones. When seats and seals need to be replaced periodically, three-piece valves can be easily disassembled, repaired and reassembled without major cuts to the piping. Three-piece ball valves also allow replacement of elastomers to accommodate different process conditions, temperatures, pressures and flow rates. Do you need to weld the valve in the field? Another benefit of a 3 piece ball valve is the fact that it can remove the valve body and trims while welding. Because that, the body and trims can be kept intact. What is the biggest difference between a 2 and 3 piece ball valve? The two-piece ball valve was also designed in the view of easy maintenance. The major difference between the two is that the valve body on a three-piece valve can be removed without disturbing the two end caps. Two-piece ball valves usually do not allow this, let alone one-piece ball valves. There are, of course, price differences. As mentioned earlier, one-piece valves are usually disposable. Three-piece valves tend to cost more initially, but in the long run, maintenance costs and the ability to replace the seat and seals should be kept in mind rather than replacing the valve.
  • 球阀的性能优于蝶阀
    球阀的性能优于蝶阀 2020年7月23日
    球阀和蝶阀是最常见的旋转阀。只需四分之一转动即可打开或关闭两个阀门。然而,在球阀优于蝶形阀,存在某些功能。首先,球阀提供完美的密封。当阀门完全关闭时,不会泄漏。更重要的是,滚珠丝阀无论来自供电线的压力如何都能旋转。更重要的是,只要它完全开放,它就不会降低管道中的流体的压力。球阀主要用于控制高压液体和气体管线。这是因为在完全打开时,球阀不会导致任何压降或阻碍流体运动。什么是值得指出的是,它们在应用中主要用于其中管的内径是小于或等于6英寸。 Ball valves have no trouble in high-pressure applications. In addition, when ball valves are used in high-pressure applications, a pressure balancing scheme is not required. This is not possible with butterfly valves. Ball valves have a simple structure. They are also smaller and lighter compared to many other types of valves. Ball valves have a very flexible soft seal, which makes it easy to operate. And ball valves have the lowest fluid resistance compared to all other types of valves. You can use the valve for many years without any damage due to leakage. In other words, this means that the valve is reliable and cost effective in the long term. This valve can be designed to withstand extremely high pressures. In fact, you will recognize that high-pressure systems often have ball valves fitted internally. There can be multiple ends in a ball valve. It allows many combinations of ports. If you are thinking of purchasing a ball valve, you can consider these advantages before your purchase.
  • 德沃斯员工获得QMS内部控制许可证
    德沃斯员工获得QMS内部控制许可证 2020年7月10日
    德沃斯举办了ISO 9001:2015质量管理体系培训课程。为期三天的培训由世界知名的核证机关劳氏船级社的主要核数师负责。好消息来了,来自不同行业的12名Dervos人通过了考试,获得了管理公司内部控制的资格。该课程于7月7日至10日举行,审计公司的专家们用简单的语言介绍了这一深奥的体系。她赞扬了我们团队的能力,并强调了符合国际法律和监管标准要求对一个公司来说是多么重要。消息灵通的审核员表示,根据ISO 9001系列标准获得的认证是公司经营质量稳定的标志。我们现有的新内审员可以确保德沃斯符合内部、国际和行业标准和法规的要求,以及客户的要求。它们还决定了所实施的系统在满足特定目标(质量、环境、财务)方面的有效性。有了我们新的内部审计人员,Dervos将更加注重公司日常运行的有效性和效率,这样我们才能发展壮大,提供更好的服务。
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