

  • 德沃斯举办新产品培训课程
    德沃斯举办新产品培训课程 2020年4月30日
    虽然为期五天的国际劳动节即将来临,但德沃斯人并没有放松自己的学习节奏。Dervos在周四下午举行了按照API6A、API16A、API 16C设计的新产品的培训课程,在课程中我们学习和复习了很多关于阀门和其他相关设备的专业知识。虽然中国的疫情压力已经明显缓解,但这次我们采用了全球流行的教学形式——网络课程,而不是面授,以避免可能的感染。课程结束后,经理带领我们的销售部门开了一个部门会议,讨论最近的工作和未来的计划。半小时后,我们享用了美味的下午茶,包括各种造型精美的新鲜水果和两个大榴莲披萨。和有一个卡与“大家辛苦了”,这意味着'谢谢你的努力,。最后,我们拍了照片来庆祝空闲时间和即将到来的假期。每个人脸上都洋溢着微笑。
  • 根据不同的工况选择合适的阀门
    根据不同的工况选择合适的阀门 2020年4月15日
    不同的阀门在不同的条件下工作。如果你认为阀门只是一个切断水流的简单开关,就像水龙头(尽管水龙头在某种程度上实际上是一个阀门),那就大错特错了。但是让我们进一步探讨一下阀门是如何工作的,以及如何为特定的目的选择正确的阀门!直通阀通常用于切断流量,其流动阻力较小。在接触面上,截止阀、柱塞阀等向下关闭阀的流动阻力比其他阀大,阀道曲折。正因为如此,这种阀门用于在允许高流动阻力的地方控制流量。用于流量控制的阀门通常选用易于调节流量的阀门作为流量控制。上面提到的向下关闭阀在这种情况下工作,因为它的阀座尺寸与楔形闸板的冲程成正比。旋转阀(旋塞阀、蝶阀、球阀)、夹管阀和隔膜阀也可用于控制流量。但它们只适用于有限的阀门直径范围内。 The gate valve uses a disc-shaped gate to make a transverse movement to the circular valve seat. It can control the flow rate only when it is about to close, so it cannot be used for flow control. Valve used to reverse and divert the flow In accordance with the need of reversing and diverting, this kind of valve has three or more channels. Plug valves and ball valves are more suitable for this. However, in some cases, other types of valves can also be used for reversing and diverting as long as two or more valves are properly connected to each other. Valve used for medium with particles Speak of transferring medium with floating particles in it, the best choice is to choose the valve whose disc slides along the sealing surface. The disc will wipe this area while it moves. If the disc moves vertically along the seat ring, particles may be stuck at the sealing part. Ball valve and plug valve will clean its sealing surface when they are working, hence, they can be put in particle-mixed medium transportation. At present, no matter in the pipeline system of petroleum, chemical industry, or in other industries, the application, operation frequency and service of the valve are ever-changing. To control or eliminate even the smallest leakage, the most important and critical equipment is the valve. The ultimate control of the pipeline is the valve, which plays a unique and reliable role in various fields.
  • 低温阀门采用加长阀帽的原因
    低温阀门采用加长阀帽的原因 2020年4月10日,
    众所周知,这种工作于-40℃~ -196℃介质的阀门称为“低温阀门”。低温阀门,包括低温应急关闭阀、低温球阀、低温闸阀、LNG低温阀门、NG低温阀门等,通常在30万吨乙烯项目和液化天然气生产等化工厂中使用。低温阀输送的乙烯、液氧、液氢、液化天然气、液化石油等液体介质易燃易爆。更重要的是,当温度上升时,它们会气化并膨胀数百倍。这种阀门总是配备加长阀帽或即加长阀杆。这是因为:1。加长阀盖可以防止在低温阀门和其他阀门中起重要作用的填料函因低温而损坏。随着温度的下降,填料的弹性会逐渐减弱,失去防止泄漏的能力。然后,介质冻结在填料和阀杆之间的空间,阻碍阀杆的移动,并在阀杆移动时刮伤填料。最终,随之而来的是严重的泄漏。 Therefore,a extended stem is used to ensure that the packing is warm enough, at least above 8 ℃. 2. The extended structure of bonnet makes it convenient to wrap special materials around the valve, preventing the loss of cold energy. 3. The pipes and valves are often installed in the so-called 'cold box', but its ‘long neck’ can go through the wall of the 'cold box'. Based on that, The extended stem makes it convenient to dismantle or replace the main parts of the valve quickly through the bonnet. Hence,the valve body and the pipeline are welded together to reduce the leakage of the cold box as much as possible and ensure the sealing performance of the valve.
  • 德沃斯听到了口罩接受者的真诚回应
    德沃斯听到了口罩接受者的真诚回应 2020年4月2日
    德沃斯在半个月前开始了口罩捐赠计划,目前已经向海外捐赠了5000多只口罩。最近,我们的受赠人陆续收到了他们梦寐以求的防护用品,并表达了他们的善意和感谢之情。布伦诺说:“这是一首充满善意和团结的歌曲。”然后,巴西人满怀感激地把一串红心系上。来自英国的山姆·韦伯(Sam Webb)在电子邮件中写道:“这将是一个巨大的帮助,我不会忘记。”西班牙一家公司的总经理马科斯·科埃洛(Marcos Coello)表示:“我代表我的团队,感谢你们送给我们的口罩。我们非常感谢。”西班牙的贡萨洛·马丁内斯和何塞·富恩特斯也收到了我们的包裹。有趣的是贡萨洛·马丁内斯一开始拒绝了我们的捐赠并表示感谢。他指出,他们尽可能呆在家里,并说,“这样我们就不会受到辐射。” So please keep them in your facilities in case of something happens in the future.” But when he knew that our packages were on the way, Matinez took our staff’s advice, deciding to send these masks to local hospitals to help those in greater need once upon packages arrive. Coronavirus is threatening the whole world. But it also built a stage to show the strength and solidarity of the human as a community of shared future. Though Dervos is just a valve supplier, but it also concerns the well-being and happiness of everyone and tried to do something helpful. As Jose Fuentes said, “if we all strictly follow the regulations we will be able to slowly isolate the virus.” Please carry on and forge ahead, victory will be ours in the end.
  • 德沃斯的第一批免费口罩在路上了
    德沃斯的第一批免费口罩在路上了 2020年3月20日
  • 德沃斯援助计划免费提供口罩,抗击COVID-19
    德沃斯援助计划免费提供口罩,抗击COVID-19 2020年3月19日,
    从2020年初开始,冠状病毒就成为一个全球性问题。多亏了以前世界各国的慷慨援助,中国才有了一个相对稳定的局面。虽然我们赢得了喘息之机,武汉新增病例为零,中国其他地区新增病例均为两位数,但德沃斯人同时也在关注世界其他地区的严峻形势。我们了解到在一些国家购买医疗用品的困难。德沃斯不生产口罩,但德沃斯人更愿意帮助,口罩从认证供应商,并免费发布给真正需要的人。无论你是谁,你在哪里,你是不是我们的客户,只要你有需要,我们都在全力准备和热情帮助你。联系电话:+86-0592-5185602邮箱:(电子邮件保护)此外,以下是我们从经验中总结出来的一些有用的建议:呆在家里家里是最安全的地方。2.经常洗手用肥皂和水洗手,每次至少20秒。3.当你咳嗽或打喷嚏时,请使用纸巾,然后扔掉。如果你没有,用手肘咳嗽或打喷嚏。4.清洁所有经常接触的表面。高接触表面包括柜台、桌面、门把手、厕所、电话、键盘等。5. Less public vehicles use When you are going out, reduce the frequency to use public vehicles as much as you can and stay safe distance with others. As a global family, we have the same enemy to defend and conquer. Dervos will be always by your side and support you. Shelley wrote if winter comes, can spring be far behind?We believe that victory is on the horizon.
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